Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm creeped out easily. Alot of things creep me out some things most people can agree with. Like Crusty the Clown. I will NEVER NEVER watch the Simpsons because of the chance that Crusty may appear. Curse the creator of Crusty he is the epitome of creepiness. Usually I would post a pic but I can't bring myself to do it. Ok another creepy thing. THE CHEESE THAT COMES OUT OF A BAG THROUGH A DISPENSER BY A PUSH OF A BUTTON. Disgusting eww eww eww icky ewwMidgets freak me out. Yes I know they are mini people, and mini dogs, mini pigs, and anything mini is usually adorable but mini people are creepy in a way that I'm afraid of them. I think it was when I decided to watch Little People Big World and the little mom was yelling at her little son and her face was all scrunched up and angry. It was scary. I actually tensed up and couldn't change the channel. It ruined midgets for me.


Why anyone wants to suck up black squishy balls into their mouth (haha didn't realize the similarity of that to something dirty until now hehe) and chew them is creepy to me. For those of you who haven't tried it, the little tapioca balls have the consistency of well, hmmm, eyeballs.


Ok so I was in Seattle (random and you probably didn't need to know that but hey its my random story time with random places) and my aunt was like "Kateri you have to try this awesome drink!" I said, "Ok, I will." So she buys the drink and I look at the drink and think "That's weird. Why does this drink have a giant straw with a giant diameter?" Regardless, I go all in. I suck up a huge amount of the boba tea but did I get the drink liquid part NOOOOO. I get 10 giant black squishy balls that take up my whole mouth. I looked like a chipmunk who was storing acorns for the winter.

The things going on in my head at that time were "Ok Kateri you have two options: Throw Up or Swallow"

So I'm sitting there mouth full of giant black squishy balls aka tapioca making the ultimate decision: throw up or swallow. Meanwhile, my sister, seeing my crisis, was yelling, "Teri, just swallow! You have to just swallow! You can do IT! You have to just swallow! Well in the end I, unfortunately, swallowed. You think, yay her suffering ended. NO! it did not end damn it. You feel the slimy squishy black balls slide all the way down your throat. The urge to throw up increased but I had to then swallow the urge to throw up because those mini balls of hell were not coming back into my mouth! Point of RANDOM STORY time. Don't drink boba tea. Unless you like black squishy slimy balls aka tapioca.
Now you know what creeps me out.

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