Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ugh I'm Old

So I'm new to this growing up shit. Yeah that's right growing up shit. Granted you spend your whole life growing but as a kid its like "Oh my tooth fell out I must be growing up" or "Damn it. I have to wear bras now?" See everything is new and Bill Clinton has always been the president and you have every Disney movie ever made on VCR. Then the growing up and being old attacks you like a ninja out of nowhere. All of a sudden there have been 3 presidents in your life time and you had to throw away your VCR collection for the DVD collection and then start discarding the DVDs for the blue ray and all your favorite shows have been cancelled (Friends, Boy Meets World, Gilmore Girls, ER) or in their 10th season and need to be cancelled (One Tree Hill, LOST, etc.). This is how I know that I am old and growing up. Its so weird and new because I'm still very young but there are all theses things that make me feel so old. Like Home Improvement is on TV Land. WTF?! I remember watching it on regular television on its regular night now its on the classic television channel every night. Then you realize oh my gosh I'm saying stuff like "I remember when." Speaking of television I was a raging Boy Meets World fan and haven't seen it on TV in forever so I'm like hey I'll buy it on DVD. So.....

Yay random story time!

....I get on Amazon and look up Boy Meets World thinking man these are gonna be cheap. Guess what I was wrong. Not even close to cheap. Ninety freakin dollars (plus stupid shipping) for the first season. I'll tell you what I did. I did not bang my fists on the table and cuss like a sailor. My face did not get red and I did not complain in a whiny high pitched tone. It is all to be blamed on the fact that I'm getting old.
$90.00 Son of a BEEZY!

This show is so old that the seasons on DVD has been discontinued and the DVDs are now collectibles, hence the high price. Stupid Saved By the Bell is only $15.00 for the first season (A plethora of bad words insert here ->___________.) I miss Topanga. Point of the random story I can't get my favorite show because ugh I'm old!

Then there is the fact that I have seen the rise and fall of Britney Spears (twice), little kids don't know who I'm talking about when I reminisce about Macaulay Calkin, kick me and say "We love Hannah Montana!", Garth Brooks is retired, Val Kilmer is now fat, Lindsey Lohan traded the Parent Trap for a lesbian lover, cocaine, and a bottle of alcohol. Ugh I'm old and I don't like it.

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