Thursday, January 6, 2011

Self Discovery

I am in my twenties the time when you aren't as angst-ee (grammar freaks chill out I make up my own words) your hormones aren't as raging, so you can make semi-sane decisions and truely discover things about yourself. Here is what I have discovered.

1. I hate hate hate hate oh yeah hate being cold.

I discovered this in Alaska while our cruise was cruising through a fjord. There were icebergs repeat icebergs floating in the water. Also the little anouncer dude anounced that the waterfalls were so cold that if you stuck your hand in the water it would instantly freeze you hand. I much had rather had been inside looking at the icebergs through a window, but nooooooo. My parents said to me "Stay outside here and enjoy this life moment with your crazy family" (I added the crazy part). It was so cold threw my fashion sense out the window to stay warm. I wore pink reindeer pajama pants, pink crocs (don't judge me), a blue sweater and then a bright red rain coat. Yes people stared and I didn't even care. I hate being cold. Here's a photo of my misery.

I'm only smiling because there was Bailey's in my hot coco
2. I produce alot of spit

Yes I produce more spit in my mouth than normal (hot boys reading this blog don't worry this does not effect my making out capabilities I keep it all in my mouth I promise). How do I know this? Well I'm constantly choking on my spit. Yay RANDOM STORY TIME!!!

Okay so this gorgeous guy who looked like an Abercrombie model asked me to go to the movies with him. During the movie we were holding hands and I was all nervous with butterflies and totally excited that we were holding hands, then.......BAM! I start choking on my own spit. I didn't want to stop holding the hot guy's hand so I think, I'll just hold it in (cough cough). THIS DID NOT WORK it made it WORSE. I begin coughing like I had emphezima. My face turned red, I was hunched over coughing BAD. Totally hot guy was looking at me with a frightened look on his face, the people in the movie were totally annoyed that the lung cancer patient had to come to the same movie as them. Hot guy asks, "Kateri are you ok?" Me in reply "CHOKING cough cough coughfee cough cough ON cough cough cough MY cough cough cough OWN cough cough cough SPIT" I was totally mortified.

Moral of the story having too much spit can embarrass you on a date.

3. Vodka is my wingman, Jager is my kryptonite.

Two things happen when I drink Jager. One I blackout don't remember shit. Two I throw up. Jager is my kryptonite
Vodka is my faithful wingman this is how I know. I was partying doing my thing when this stud muffin walked into the room. Vodka said to me "Kateri you're a hottie go ask that guy to make out with you." So I went up to the hot guy and said, "Hey Steven wanna go makeout around the corner?" His response "YEAH!" Vodka is my wingman ( by the way I knew the hot stud muffin just so you know, I don't ask random hot dudes to make out with me, just so you know).

4. I love to run

This is a shock even to me because I hated to run in high school. Now I love it I even want to run a marathon. Its so freeing to run with your ipod blasting some Kanye, shutting the whole world out.

5. My father was an accident

Okay that has nothing to do with my self discovery but I did discover that when my grandma said "Well we didn't exactly plan to have your dad but he was the cutest baby." Also, I'm running out of things that I've discovered about myself. Seriously, I've only been in my twenties for two years obviously I couldn't have discovered that many things about myself.

Keep reading and I'll keep blogging

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